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What is Goshin Karate?


Goshin Karate is a traditional form of Karate-Do. Its roots are based within Japanese Shotokai and Malaysian Karate Budokan. Goshin replaces linear movement with techniques using evasion and replaces powerful blocks with fluent deflections. The style has a great emphasis on having a realistic approach to training and bridges the gap between traditional basics and the practice of the fighting form.

Goshin Karate is a Martial Art not a Martial Sport. The main objective of the style is to learn realistic self defence for everyday life. There is no emphasis on competition and students are not forced to enter them. Students that wish to test their skills can enter the UK Kudo Championships. Students practice full contact sparring which incorporates groundwork.


Goshin Jutsu Karate

Translates to "Empty hand, the way of self defence".

A traditional Karate dedicated to the promotion of realistic self defence.


The syllabus is divided into the following categories:

  • Kihon (Traditional basic technique)

  • Kata (Catalogue of self defence application)

  • Kansetsu (Joint manipulation and restraint)

  • Nagewaza (Throwing technique and take downs)

  • Tegumi (Okinawan wrestling, similar to Newaza)

  • Kumite (Sparring, full-contact head contact and floor work)

  • Tai Chi (Shibashi Qi Gong)

  • Meditation

  • Okinawan weapons (Bo, Sai and Nunchaku)

Why practice Kata?

Kata is the underpinning knowledge of all technique practised in Karate. The intention of each movement or sequence contained within Kata is to gain an advantageous position or to disable an attacker with a single strike.

The practice of Kata is not only the foundation of Karate but the true expression of its history. Kata has had many influences from Chinese Kung Fu to Okinawan Tegumi in its infancy and then Jiu Jitsu during the introduction to main land Japan.

Kata contain a comprehensive system of combative methods encompassing strikes, locks, chokes and throws which can be applied both standing and while on the floor.

The efficacy of a Kata is only measurable by its function.


From Kata our training is divided into the following sections:

  • Kihon - The practice of set basic movement.

  • Oyo - Application of technique using a partner.

  • Kumite - Sparring practice based on realistic scenarios (E.g. grappling, head butts, weapons, etc)

  • Goshin Riaru - Full contact fighting to promoting effective natural responses

Brief History of Goshin Karate founded by Mal Sanchez-Jones

1983-1986   Judo         Barry Leisure centre        Paul & Chas Dance      5th Kyu (6th Mon)

1987-2000   Karate Budokan     Barry & Cardiff    Brendan Simmons/Mike Tan    2nd Dan

13 years Karate Shotokai (not graded) Brendan Simmons student of Mitsusuke Harada

2000 Goshin Karate formed under the banner of the Great Britain Martial Arts Association (GBMAA) headed by the late Curtis Page


2005 GBMAA Mixed Martial Art Grading by Curtis Page - 3rd Dan 

2012 Goshin Karate Association Grading 4th Dan - Professional Panel led by Brendan Simmons

2017 Goshin Karate Association - Honorary 5th Dan awarded on retirement of Chief Instructor and recognition for Mal's work within the martial arts community

2019 British Combat Karate Association - Honorary Combat (Kakuto) Karate 6th Dan awarded by Peter Consterdine




It was really good news for the BCKA when we took into membership Goshin Karate & Kudo Academy UK run by Mal Sanchez-Jones in Wales and I was also really pleased that I was able to award Mal his long overdue 6th Dan in Karate. Mal is currently, and very actively, trying to organise the future development of Kudo in the UK and, as many people know, I’m personally a huge fan of Kudo and within the BCKA we have, as much a possible, tried to help promote this combat system over the years. We wish Mal all the very best in his endeavours to get Kudo to the level of popularity it deserves in this country.


Peter Consterdine 9th Dan Karate
British Combat Karate Association (BCKA)


Copyright Goshin and Kudo Academy 2024
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